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Tech News Summary:

  • Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) experienced a major data breach, leading to the theft of hundreds of thousands of records on December 17, 2023.
  • Professor Bhekisipho Twala, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of TUT, has been suspended in response to the data breach, highlighting the severity of the situation and the university’s commitment to addressing security issues.
  • This incident underscores the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures and swift responses to data breaches in order to prevent future breaches and maintain trust with stakeholders.

Stay Informed with the Latest Teiss News on Scroller Home Page

In today’s fast-paced world, staying up to date with the latest news and information is more important than ever. That’s why we’re excited to announce that Teiss News is now available on the Scroller home page, making it easier than ever to stay informed and in the know.

Teiss News is a leading source of cybersecurity, data protection, and privacy news and analysis. With a team of expert journalists and contributors, Teiss provides timely and accurate reporting on the latest developments in the world of cybersecurity and privacy. Whether you’re a business owner looking to protect your company’s data, an IT professional interested in the latest security trends, or simply a concerned citizen wanting to stay informed about online threats, Teiss News has you covered.

Now, with Teiss News available on the Scroller home page, you can access all of this valuable information in one convenient location. Simply scroll through the Scroller home page to find the latest headlines, articles, and analysis from Teiss News. From data breaches and ransomware attacks to new regulations and best practices for protecting your online privacy, Teiss News covers it all.

So whether you’re on your morning commute, taking a coffee break at work, or just browsing the internet at home, make sure to check out the latest Teiss News on the Scroller home page. Stay informed, stay secure, and stay ahead of the curve with Teiss News and Scroller.

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