Khairani Road Pipeline Rescued from Collapse by BMC’s Advanced CIPP Technology

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Tech News Summary:

  • The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has used cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) technology to repair a 30-year-old dilapidated pipeline on Khairani Road in Kurla (West), marking an important milestone in their efforts to address frequent leaks and bursts caused by the old and corroded water main.
  • Due to its narrowness, heavy traffic, and the presence of various utilities below it, replacing the pipeline was not feasible. Thus, BMC used CIPP technology, a trenchless rehabilitation technique that strengthens the inner part of the water channel, making it challenging and requiring 10 days to complete.
  • BMC’s successful completion of this mission showcases their commitment to upgrading Mumbai’s aging infrastructure through innovative solutions, and this project serves as an example for other cities facing similar infrastructure issues.

BMC, a leading provider of infrastructure solutions, has announced the successful utilization of their cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) technology to save the Khairani Road Pipeline from collapse. The pipeline, which is a critical component of Mumbai’s water infrastructure, was at risk due to severe damage caused by age and wear.

The BMC team was able to quickly and efficiently repair the pipeline without the need for excavation or replacement. The CIPP technology allowed for the insertion of a flexible pipe liner into the existing pipeline, which was then cured in place using heat or UV light. This resulted in a durable, seamless and corrosion-resistant pipe within the original pipeline.

The Khairani Road Pipeline has been in use for over 50 years and transports around 120 million liters of water to several areas in Mumbai. The successful repair ensured that the pipeline could continue to function effectively, preventing water loss and potential damage to surrounding infrastructure.

“The use of CIPP technology has proven to be a game-changer in the field of infrastructure repair and maintenance,” said a BMC spokesperson. “Not only does it save time and money, but it reduces disruptions to the community and ensures that critical infrastructure like the Khairani Road Pipeline can continue to serve its intended purpose for decades to come.”

This breakthrough technology is expected to be adopted by more organizations in India and beyond, as it proves to be an effective and efficient method for repairing aging pipelines.

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