Kistler Introduces Advanced Measurement Solutions at MD&M West 2024

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  • Kistler is set to showcase cutting-edge measurement solutions for plastic injection molding, assembly, and testing applications at MD&M West 2024.
  • The company’s technologies are designed to analyze and interpret measurement data in real time, enabling medical technology manufacturers to identify and resolve obstacles on the spot, and meet FDA and MDR requirements for quality control.
  • Kistler will present a range of measurement, analysis, and testing solutions at MD&M West, including the 5073B Charging Amplifier, SlimLine 9132CD Force Sensor, and Portable Charging Amplifier 5811A Mobile Measuring Instrument, which are poised to revolutionize medical device manufacturing by enabling real-time analysis of critical parameters during production.

Kistler, a leading provider of measurement solutions, unveiled its latest cutting-edge offerings at the MD&M West 2024 exhibition, held in Anaheim, California. The company showcased a range of innovative products designed to meet the evolving needs of the medical device manufacturing industry.

One of the highlights of Kistler’s showcase was the launch of its advanced force and torque measurement systems, which are tailored to the specific requirements of medical device manufacturers. These state-of-the-art solutions are equipped with high-precision sensors and intelligent data acquisition capabilities, allowing for accurate and reliable measurement of forces and torques in a variety of medical device applications.

In addition to its force and torque measurement systems, Kistler also presented its latest advancements in pressure and temperature monitoring technologies. These solutions are designed to meet the stringent quality and compliance standards of the medical industry, offering real-time monitoring and analysis of critical process parameters.

“We are thrilled to introduce our latest measurement solutions at MD&M West 2024,” said a spokesperson for Kistler. “These cutting-edge offerings are a testament to our commitment to innovation and our dedication to providing our customers with the most advanced tools for their manufacturing processes. We are confident that these solutions will set new standards for quality and performance in the medical device industry.”

The unveiling of Kistler’s groundbreaking measurement solutions at MD&M West 2024 garnered significant attention from industry professionals and received positive feedback for its potential to drive improvements in medical device manufacturing processes. With its continued focus on innovation and excellence, Kistler is poised to further solidify its position as a leading provider of measurement solutions for the medical industry.

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