Legal Battles Escalate Between Meta and TikTok, Disney’s Bold Strategy, and Other Important Tech Updates

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Tech News Summary:

  • Meta and TikTok are filing lawsuits against the European Union over the Digital Services Act, claiming that the commission’s calculation of costs is disproportionately affecting their companies.
  • Disney is making a big move into gaming by investing $1.5 billion in Epic Games and developing a new “persistent universe” with characters from popular franchises.
  • Alphabet’s Google is rebranding its artificial intelligence product Bard AI, renaming it Gemini just over a year after its debut.

In the ongoing battle between Meta and TikTok, lawsuits have been heating up as both companies fight for dominance in the social media landscape. Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has been accusing TikTok of stealing its innovative features, while TikTok has been countersuing for anti-competitive behavior.

In a bold move, Disney has announced its plans to partner with TikTok, a surprising development given Disney’s close relationship with Meta in the past. The partnership will see Disney creating exclusive content for TikTok, including short-form videos and behind-the-scenes looks at its iconic franchises.

Meanwhile, in other tech news, the ongoing chip shortage continues to affect production for major tech companies, impacting the availability of popular electronic devices such as smartphones and gaming consoles. This shortage is expected to persist into the foreseeable future, leading to potential price increases and supply chain disruptions.

In the world of cybersecurity, concerns are growing over the rise of ransomware attacks targeting critical infrastructure, such as hospitals and government agencies. As these attacks become more sophisticated and destructive, there is a growing call for increased cybersecurity measures and international cooperation to combat this growing threat.

As the tech industry continues to evolve and face new challenges, all eyes are on the ongoing legal battles between Meta and TikTok, as well as the potential ramifications of Disney’s surprising partnership with the Chinese-owned social media giant. Stay tuned for further developments as the tech world continues to make headlines.

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