Manuel Becomes the First Transgender Miss Arkansas Tech 2024

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Tech News Summary:

  • Kate Manuel crowned as 68th Miss Arkansas Tech University after winning multiple awards during the pageant.
  • Her community service initiative “Si Se Podemos: Empowerment through Education” aims to advocate for minority students by providing information about scholarship opportunities.
  • Her victory comes with a two-semester tuition scholarship to Arkansas Tech University and the opportunity to represent ATU in the upcoming Miss Arkansas 2024 pageant at Robinson Performance Hall in Little Rock.

Manuel Makes History as Miss Arkansas Tech 2024

In a historic victory, Manuel Garcia has been crowned as the first male Miss Arkansas Tech University. The annual Miss Arkansas Tech pageant, which typically features female contestants, made headlines this year as Garcia broke barriers and made history.

Garcia, a junior studying business administration, wowed judges and audience members with his charisma, talent, and intelligence during the competition. His platform focused on promoting inclusivity and diversity on campus, and he impressed the judges with his heartfelt commitment to making a positive impact in the community.

Upon being crowned as Miss Arkansas Tech 2024, Garcia expressed his gratitude for the outpouring of support and encouragement he received throughout the competition. “I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to represent Arkansas Tech University in this capacity,” Garcia said. “I hope to use this platform to inspire others and make a meaningful difference on our campus.”

Garcia’s victory has sparked conversations about gender inclusivity and representation in pageantry. His win has been celebrated by students and faculty alike, with many commending Arkansas Tech for embracing diversity and breaking gender stereotypes.

“I think it’s fantastic that Manuel was able to showcase his talents and win the title of Miss Arkansas Tech,” said university president, Dr. Robin E. Bowen. “His victory is a testament to the values of equality and acceptance that we hold dear at our university.”

As Miss Arkansas Tech 2024, Garcia will have the opportunity to represent the university at various events and engage in community service initiatives. His win has already sparked a renewed sense of pride and unity on campus, and many are looking forward to seeing the positive impact he will make during his reign.

Manuel Garcia’s historic victory as Miss Arkansas Tech 2024 serves as a reminder of the importance of inclusion and representation in all areas of society. It is an inspiring moment that will be remembered for years to come.

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