Massive Layoff Plan at Activision: 1900 Employees to be Cut, Microsoft and US FTC Issue Latest Updates

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Tech News Summary:

  • Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard has led to the announcement of 1,900 employee layoffs, raising concerns from the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
  • The layoffs represent approximately 8% of Microsoft’s Inclusive gaming division workforce and have prompted internal regret from CEO Phil Spencer and the departure of Activision Blizzard president Mike Ybarra.
  • The acquisition and subsequent restructuring efforts have raised uncertainties for both companies and their employees, with ongoing challenges and far-reaching implications for the gaming industry.

In a shocking turn of events, Activision has announced a massive layoff plan that will see 1900 employees lose their jobs. The layoffs come as a result of the company’s recent financial troubles, with Activision struggling to meet its targets and maintain its position as one of the biggest players in the gaming industry.

The news comes as a blow to the gaming community, as Activision has been a major player in the industry for years. Many of the employees affected by the layoffs have been with the company for a long time, and their departure will undoubtedly be felt by both Activision and the gaming community as a whole.

In addition to the layoffs, Activision has also been under scrutiny from both Microsoft and the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Microsoft has reportedly been in talks with Activision about a potential acquisition, which could have major implications for the gaming industry if it goes ahead. The US FTC, on the other hand, is reportedly investigating Activision for potential antitrust violations, adding to the company’s already considerable list of problems.

It remains to be seen what the future holds for Activision and its employees, but one thing is for certain: the gaming industry is in for some major changes in the coming months.

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