Maximizing the Potential of HITEC-IC: A Comprehensive Manual for Successful Co-Located Collaboration at HITEC 2024

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Tech News Summary:

  • HFTP has announced the launch of the inaugural HITEC Investment Conference (HITEC-IC) for hospitality technology company executives and the investment community. The conference will take place on June 27-28, 2024
  • The conference aims to bridge the gap between hotel technology companies and potential investors, with the goal of activating investments in hotel technology and generating significant rewards for the entire industry.
  • HFTP is hosting an invitation-only event with limited attendance and interested individuals can register their interest on their website or email for more information. The co-location with HITEC provides a unique platform for showcasing cutting-edge technologies and facilitating meaningful discussions around investment opportunities within the hotel technology sector.


(Austin, TX) – As the leading hospitality technology event, HITEC 2024 has announced a new initiative to harness the power of co-located success at this year’s conference. The ultimate guide to co-located success at HITEC 2024, titled Harnessing the Power of HITEC-IC, aims to provide attendees with comprehensive resources and strategies for making the most of their experience at the event.

With HITEC-IC (International Conference) being held in conjunction with HITEC, attendees will have the unique opportunity to explore two industry-leading conferences under one roof. This co-located model aims to provide a comprehensive view of the latest technology solutions and trends in the hospitality industry, making it an invaluable resource for industry professionals.

The Ultimate Guide to Co-Located Success at HITEC 2024 will include detailed information on navigating the co-located events, tips for maximizing networking opportunities, and strategies for making the most of the educational sessions and exhibition floor. From planning your schedule to making the most of the networking events, the guide will provide attendees with everything they need to make the most of their time at HITEC 2024.

“We are incredibly excited to offer this comprehensive guide to co-located success at HITEC 2024,” said the event organizers. “The co-located model offers a truly unique opportunity for industry professionals to explore a wide range of technology solutions and trends in one location. With this guide, we aim to help attendees make the most of their time at the event and leave with valuable insights and connections that will benefit their businesses.”

In addition to the guide, HITEC 2024 will also feature a series of co-located success workshops and resources designed to help attendees make the most of their experience. These resources will cover a range of topics, including maximizing networking opportunities, navigating the exhibition floor, and leveraging educational sessions to benefit your business.

Interested attendees can access the Ultimate Guide to Co-Located Success at HITEC 2024 through the event website and other official channels. With these resources, HITEC 2024 aims to provide attendees with the tools and knowledge they need to harness the power of the co-located events and take their businesses to new heights.

For more information about HITEC 2024 and to access the Ultimate Guide to Co-Located Success, please visit the official event website.

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