The spin-off Spider-Man: Miles Morales was also on the way when Spider-Man Remastered’s impending PC release was announced in June. Today we received the information, which included a stylish new trailer showcasing all the graphic improvements in the PC version of the game and—this is the crucial part—a November 18 release date.
Teenager Miles Morales is settling into his new home after the events of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered while also taking after his mentor, Peter Parker, as a new Spider-Man. But the aspiring hero learns that great power must come with enormous responsibility when a violent power struggle threatens to ruin his new kingdom. Miles must make the effort to save Marvel’s New York in its entirety.
Spider-Man is Spider-Man, but Miles Morales joins the fray with his own “explosive powers” that distinguish him from Parker. These abilities include “unique, bio-electric venom blast attacks and covert camouflage,” in addition to a variety of other tools, talents, and “spectacular web-slinging acrobatics.”
A number of improvements will be included in Spider-Man: Miles Morales’ PC release, such as support for ray tracing, ultra-wide monitors, and Nvidia’s DLSS technology. There are also “extensive” customization possibilities for the mouse, keyboard, and controllers.