Expanded the deep-rooted popularity of franchise titles such as the “Fantasy Journey to the West” series and the “Journey to the West Online” series. Exciting advancements in upcoming games such as The Showbiz: Dream Chaser, Naraka: Bladepoint for console, Diablo® Immortal™, Ghost World Chronicle, and Harry Potter: Magic Awakened have enhanced our dynamic game development pipeline. With steady progress in STEAM courses, adult education and intelligent learning hardware devices, we will further develop Youdao’s competence as an educational technology provider.
Expanded our game portfolio and strengthened our global appeal with new games across multiple genres, including. Naraka: Bladepoint broke sales records for a pay-per-view game by a Chinese developer, topped Steam’s top seller list, and remained in the top five for several weeks after its global launch in August. was the highest-grossing app in China and topped the most downloaded iOS charts when it launched in September. Exciting new Chinese titles like Ace Racer, Infinite Lagrange and Nightmare Breaker. Launched The Lord of the Rings: Rise to War in Europe, America, Oceania and Southeast Asia.
We will continue to provide more masterworks to domestic and foreign players. In addition, Youdao, NetEase Cloud Music and Yanxuan maintain diversified and differentiated products. As an innovation-driven content creator, we continue to provide our users with thoughtful and excellent content and products across all carefully curated areas. “
NetEase Cloud Music content Grows his ecosystem and product innovation capabilities, strengthens a passionate music-loving community, and achieves solid financial performance. William Ding, Chief Executive Officer and Director of NetEase, said: “It has been a very fruitful season in the diversification of online games. Our flagship titles continue to perform well, delivering several new hits on PC and mobile platforms. New games such as Naraka: Bladepoint and Harry Potter: Magic Awakened have generated significant interest among avid gamers who appreciate quality game design.