Netflix plans to offer cloud gaming and will soon release 55 new titles

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  • The streaming juggernaut, which has been active in the gaming industry by producing a number of mobile games, has acknowledged that it is extending its reach beyond iOS and Android to PCs and TVs. Ironically, Google just revealed that it was giving up on Stadia, a cloud gaming project. However, Mike Verdu, the vice president of gaming at Netflix, stated to TechCrunch at Disrupt that he wants members to have access to cloud gaming.

In order to reach members on TV or the PC, he stated, “We are really looking into cloud gaming services.” “We take the same approach to this as we did to mobile: start small, be modest, be considerate, then scale up. However, members can watch Netflix on any device. That being the case, I believe we need to make this move. In addition, Netflix said that 55 additional games are now in development. Netflix recently wrote to its shareholders and stated:

“Beyond TV and film, we’re approaching the one-year anniversary of the game’s launch. As I said earlier, this will be a multi-year journey to learn how to please players. The first year was building the game infrastructure and understanding how members interacted with the game.There are now 35 games on offer (all with in-game ads and in-app (included in all Netflix subscriptions with no purchases), there are some encouraging signs that gameplay is leading to higher retention.

We have 55 more games in development, including games based on Netflix’s IP. The next few years will be focused on creating successful games that will take the gaming initiative to the next level. In general, we see great opportunities in content that falls between TV/movies and games. For example, after the release of the anime Cyberpunk: Edgerunners (49 million views) in Q3, CD Projekt’s usage of the game on his PC surged. ”

Verdu responded that Netflix could turn gaming elements into a business model when asked how it might prevent Stadia from failing despite the fact that Google is behind it and that fantastic streaming technology powers everything. He said that it adds “value,” as he put it. Additionally, Verdu revealed that Netflix will create a gaming studio in California.  It will be directed by Chucko Sonny, former Executive Producer at Netflix Activision Blizzard.

You can access Netflix mobile games by logging into your Netflix account. The manual provided by Pocket-lint explains how they operate. However, the main features of the Netflix mobile app are a game bar and a games page where you can choose which new games to download. You can either view the game line or choose a game to play from the dropdown menu on tablets.

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