Nintendo Direct For Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Has Been Leaked For Next Month

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The email in question says the upcoming Nintendo Direct will give fans “a whole new look at the beautiful world, gameplay features, and story.” Even after watching previous TOTK trailers, we still don’t know much about the game and how it will differ from Breath of the Wild. We’re sure the story will make the biggest difference, as it ultimately takes place in the present and doesn’t tell old stories from the past, like Breath of the Wild did.

“Nintendo Prime” gaming YouTuber has shown an email that allegedly features the date of the next Nintendo Direct. Obviously, this live stream will focus on Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and provide more information about the game. Nintendo’s live stream date is set for April 12. Considering that such events usually take place a month before major Nintendo releases, the whole thing seems pretty reasonable. Also, Nintendo Directs are usually scheduled for Wednesdays, further proof that this could be the case.

In another paragraph, the email says that there will also be new information about the Tears of the Kingdom Collector’s Edition and a new amiibo Link to unlock exclusive in-game content. This Nintendo Direct is coming soon.

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