NPCI Launches UPI Globally at the Eiffel Tower in Paris

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Tech News Summary:

  • UPI was formally launched at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, marking a major milestone in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of making UPI a global force. The NPCI has partnered with French e-commerce and proximity payments Lyra to ensure that the UPI payment mechanism is accepted in France.
  • Indian tourists visiting the Eiffel Tower can now book their trip using UPI, as the iconic landmark has become the first merchant to offer UPI payments in Paris. The service will soon be extended to other merchants in the tourism and retail sector across France and Europe.
  • The formal launch event at the Eiffel Tower on Republic Day was attended by President Emmanuel Macron of France and was seen as a significant step in strengthening ties between India and France. Additionally, Elon Musk’s Neuralink made headlines recently with the first human receiving a brain implant, a groundbreaking technological advancement towards controlling computers with our minds.

In a historic move, the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has taken the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) global by launching it at the iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris. The event marks a significant milestone for the Indian digital payments system, as it expands its reach beyond the country’s borders.

The launch event was attended by top officials from NPCI, as well as representatives from the banking and technology sectors. The UPI platform, which has revolutionized digital payments in India, is now set to make its mark on the global stage.

Speaking at the event, NPCI’s Managing Director and CEO, Mr. Dilip Asbe, emphasized the potential of UPI to transform the way people make payments, not only in India but across the world. He highlighted the platform’s user-friendly interface and its ability to facilitate seamless, secure, and instant transactions.

The launch at the Eiffel Tower signifies NPCI’s commitment to promoting digital payments on a global scale and attracting international stakeholders to adopt the UPI platform. The move is expected to open up new opportunities for Indian businesses and consumers to transact with international partners, as well as for foreign entities to engage with the Indian market.

The UPI platform has already gained widespread popularity in India, with millions of users and a growing ecosystem of applications and services. With its global expansion, UPI is poised to become a leading player in the international digital payments space.

The launch at the Eiffel Tower marks a momentous occasion for NPCI and UPI, as they take a bold step towards making India a significant player in the global digital payments arena. As the platform continues to gain traction worldwide, it is expected to further enhance India’s position as a key player in the digital economy.

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