The OnePlus 10T features the more efficient Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1The OnePlus 10T features the more efficient Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1. OnePlus will be among the first too, though by the end of the year could mean December. Either way, this could prove earlier rumors wrong, which claimed that the company won’t release another flagship this year. Well, it depends on the exact announcement and sales timing. The OnePlus 10 Pro was released in China in January, so the 11 Pro might be a couple of weeks late to make it into 2022. Little else is known about the upcoming OnePlus flagship and what direction the company will take with the new release.
The OnePlus 10T/OnePlus Ace Pro, which was unveiled with the latest Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 processor, was rumoured to be the company’s final flagship device for a while, according to certain leakers. According to a report by Digital Chat Station, attention now appears to be on developing a phone powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor. According to reports, the new model will be presented before the year is over. The Gen 2 series should debut during Qualcomm’s annual Snapdragon Summit, which is scheduled for mid-November. As per usual, Xiaomi is anticipated to be among the first to introduce a phone using Qualcomm’s new top chip, maybe as early as the same month.