Parental Consent Could Be Mandatory for Minors to Join Social Media Under Louisiana’s New Bill.

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  • Louisiana has passed a bill requiring minors under 18 to obtain parental permission before creating online accounts, including for social media and gaming.
  • Similar laws exist in other conservative states, while liberal states are also working on regulations to protect kids from the harmful impacts of social media.
  • While there are concerns about unintended consequences and privacy violations, the growing trend of states seeking to protect children online is a positive step forward.

Louisiana’s legislature has passed a new bill that could require minors under the age of 18 to obtain parental consent before joining social media platforms. The bill, which was recently signed into law by Governor John Bel Edwards, aims to protect young people from the potential dangers of online abuse, cyberbullying, and exposure to inappropriate content.

According to the new legislation, social media companies would be required to obtain a signed consent form from a minor’s parent or legal guardian before allowing them to create an account. The form would outline the terms and conditions of the social media platform, as well as the potential risks associated with using it.

While some critics argue that the law may not be enforceable, proponents claim that it will serve as a valuable tool for parents to monitor their children’s online activities and protect them from potential harm. They also believe that by requiring social media companies to obtain parental consent, it will encourage them to implement more robust safety features and better protect their users.

The passing of the bill is seen as a significant victory for online safety advocates, who have long been pushing for greater protections for minors on social media platforms. It is hoped that this legislation will encourage other states to take similar steps to safeguard young people’s online privacy and security.

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