Profitroom’s Hotel Direct Booking Platform Recognized with Industry Accolades

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Tech News Summary:

  • Profitroom’s hotel technology suite received top industry honors at the HotelTechAwards 2024, including a top three global ranking and three coveted awards for CRM for Hotels and Email Marketing, Booking Engine, and website design.
  • Founder Marcin Dragan expressed deep pride in the company’s success, emphasizing their commitment to delivering innovative solutions to hoteliers around the world.
  • Profitroom Technology also secured a spot in the Top 10 People’s Choice ranking, reinforcing their excellent relationship with their user community and dedication to driving direct bookings and simplifying complex processes for hotels worldwide.

Profitroom’s innovative hotel direct booking platform has been recognized by the industry with multiple honors and awards. The platform, which helps hotels increase their direct bookings and revenue, has been praised for its user-friendly design, advanced features, and ability to drive tangible results for hoteliers.

The platform has received accolades from industry leaders and organizations, including Hotel Tech Report and the Hotel Sales & Marketing Association International (HSMAI). Hotel Tech Report, a leading technology review platform, awarded Profitroom with the People’s Choice Award for the top-rated booking engine. The platform was highly rated by hoteliers and industry professionals for its ease of use, customizable features, and ability to boost direct bookings.

In addition, Profitroom’s hotel direct booking platform was recognized by the HSMAI Adrian Awards, which honors exceptional achievements in hospitality sales and marketing. The platform received a gold award for its outstanding performance in driving direct bookings and revenue for hotels.

“We are thrilled to receive these prestigious honors and awards for our hotel direct booking platform,” said Szymon Piduch, CEO of Profitroom. “Our team has worked tirelessly to develop and enhance our platform, and it’s incredibly gratifying to see that our efforts have been recognized by industry leaders and professionals.”

Profitroom’s hotel direct booking platform is trusted by hoteliers around the world to deliver measurable results and improve their online visibility. The platform offers a range of advanced features, including a responsive and mobile-friendly design, real-time inventory management, and integrated marketing tools to engage and convert website visitors into direct bookings.

With these recent industry accolades, Profitroom’s hotel direct booking platform continues to solidify its position as a leading solution for hotels looking to maximize their direct booking revenue and enhance their online presence.

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