PSNI warns of stalkers using smart technology to track victims

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Tech News Summary:

  • PSNI warns that stalkers are using smart technology to track and monitor their victims, including adding tracking devices to cars and phones.
  • More than 95% of harassment victims are women, and the majority of cases involve partners, ex-partners, or family members.
  • Since the introduction of legislation in Northern Ireland, around 230 alleged harassers have been arrested, with more than 100 people charged and 27 harassment-related prosecutions between May 2022 and October this year.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) has issued a warning about the growing trend of stalkers using smart technology to track their victims. With the increasing use of smart devices and smart home technology, stalkers are finding new ways to monitor and harass their victims.

According to the PSNI, stalkers are using a variety of methods to track their victims, including hacking into smart home systems, tracking devices, and even using spyware and GPS technology on smartphones.

Detective Chief Inspector Lisa Bell, from PSNI’s Public Protection Branch, emphasized the severity of this issue, stating, “Stalking is a serious crime and can have a severe and lasting impact on victims. The use of smart technology to facilitate stalking is a concerning development and we are urging people to be vigilant and take steps to protect themselves.”

The PSNI is urging anyone who believes they may be a victim of stalking to seek help and report the matter to the police. They also encourage individuals to be mindful of their smart devices and to regularly check their settings to ensure their privacy and security.

In response to this growing concern, the PSNI is working to educate the public about the potential risks of smart technology and how to protect against misuse. They are also partnering with technology companies to address these vulnerabilities and prevent stalking behavior.

As smart technology continues to advance, it is crucial for individuals to be aware of the potential dangers and take precautions to safeguard themselves against stalking and harassment. The PSNI is committed to addressing this issue and ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals.

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