RCS SMS, used by Android phones, will not be adopted iPhone: NPR

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When Vox Media’s LiQuan Hunt complained to Cook that his mother couldn’t see the videos he sent her because they had different phones, the Apple chief replied: “Buy your mom an iPhone.” The blue and green bubbles, explained. In the early days of mobile messaging, cell phone users could send each other short text messages of no more than 160 characters. That was called SMS, or Short Message Service.

There doesn’t seem to be any end in sight to the green bubbles that surround text messages sent to friends and family using iPhones. Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, seems to be against implementing a new message standard on the company’s products in order to improve communication with Android customers. Your technology is keeping tabs on you Take These Actions To Improve Your Online Privacy. You are being followed by technology. Use these actions to improve your online privacy. Regarding integrating the RCS standard on iPhones, Cook stated, “I don’t hear our users requesting that we put a lot of energy in on it at this moment,” according to The Verge. He was speaking on Wednesday at the Code 2022 conference hosted by Vox Media.


  • Texts sent via iMessage show up as blue bubbles on iPhones, while their SMS/MMS counterparts are green.Google rolled out RCS for Android users in the U.S. in 2019. The company has launched a PR campaign aimed at shaming Apple into adopting RCS, but so far the iPhone maker hasn’t budged.Internal Apple emails showed executives arguing that allowing iMessage on Android devices would “hurt us more than help us” and that restricting the app to Apple users had a “serious lock-in” effect, according to The Verge.

  • RCS is a new messaging standard used by Google and other telecom companies that supports group chats and read receipts, lets users send higher quality photos and videos and has end-to-end encryption, among other features.If it sounds a lot like iMessage, that’s because it is.But iMessage is only available to Apple users. When an Android user texts someone with an iPhone, their message appears as an SMS or MMS message, because Apple doesn’t support RCS. Hence the pixelated images and buggy group chats.

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