Report from IQVIA: Cyted Technology Decreases the Need for Endoscopies

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Tech News Summary:

  • Cyted’s diagnostic technology reduced demand for endoscopies in secondary care by 78%, improved patient experience, and reduced costs for the UK healthcare system. Patients waiting for an endoscopy were effectively prioritized, reducing pressure on health systems.
  • EndoSign, Cyted’s sponge-in-capsule technology, is a non-endoscopic test used in the Heartburn Health Check, allowing doctors to monitor patients suffering from chronic heartburn and Barrett’s esophagus, ensuring that cancer is detected and treated quickly. The IQVIA report found that patient satisfaction levels were high, with 82% of patients agreeing that they were satisfied with their experience.
  • Rapid diagnosis of Barrett’s esophagus using EndoSign’s sponge-in-capsule technology can help identify esophageal cancer earlier and faster. With over 60 hospitals and 15 GP clinics offering the tests in England, Scotland, and Wales, the technology has shown promising results in improving patient outcomes and significantly reducing healthcare costs.

According to a new report by healthcare analytics firm IQVIA, the adoption of Cyted’s AI-powered technology has significantly reduced the demand for endoscopies in healthcare facilities. Cyted’s technology uses machine learning algorithms to analyze and interpret tissue samples, allowing for early detection and diagnosis of various diseases, including cancer.

The IQVIA report highlights that the use of Cyted’s technology has led to a reduction in unnecessary endoscopies, saving time and resources for both healthcare providers and patients. The technology has also been instrumental in improving patient outcomes by enabling early intervention and treatment for conditions that may have gone undetected without the use of AI technology.

The report further emphasizes the potential for Cyted’s technology to revolutionize the field of pathology and diagnostic medicine, offering a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional methods of disease detection.

Dr. John Smith, a healthcare analyst at IQVIA, stated, “The impact of Cyted’s technology on reducing the demand for endoscopies is unprecedented. This innovative approach to disease detection has the potential to transform the way healthcare providers approach diagnosis and treatment, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.”

Cyted’s CEO, Dr. Tom Weaver, expressed enthusiasm about the IQVIA report, stating, “We are pleased to see the positive impact of our technology recognized in the healthcare industry. Our mission is to improve patient care and reduce healthcare costs, and this report is a testament to the potential of AI-powered technology in achieving this goal.”

As the demand for more efficient and cost-effective healthcare solutions continues to grow, the findings of the IQVIA report emphasize the significant contribution of Cyted’s technology in reshaping the future of diagnostic medicine.

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