Report: Indians Successfully Defend Against 74 Million Local Threats in 2023, According to Kaspersky

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Tech News Summary:

  • Kaspersky’s report revealed that 34% of Indian users were targeted by local threats in 2023, with 74.3 million incidents prevented by the company’s products.
  • The cybersecurity market in India reached $6.06 billion in 2023, emphasizing the increasing need for robust cybersecurity measures as the country advances its digital connectivity efforts.
  • Kaspersky recommended measures for individual users and organizations to prevent malware infection and improve recognition and protection against cyber attacks as India continues its digital transformation journey.

In 2023, Indians have successfully fended off a staggering 74 million local cyber threats, according to a report by cybersecurity firm Kaspersky. The report highlights the growing importance of cybersecurity in the country as the number of cyber attacks continues to rise.

The report revealed that the majority of the threats were aimed at stealing personal and financial information, with phishing attacks being the most common tactic used by cybercriminals. Additionally, malware and ransomware attacks also posed a significant threat to Indian internet users.

The Kaspersky report indicates that Indians are becoming more aware of the importance of cybersecurity, with a growing number of individuals and businesses taking proactive measures to protect themselves from cyber threats. However, the report also underscores the need for continued vigilance and investment in cybersecurity infrastructure to combat the evolving tactics of cybercriminals.

The findings of the report serve as a wake-up call for Indian internet users to stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and to invest in reliable cybersecurity solutions. Additionally, it highlights the importance of collaboration between individuals, businesses, and government authorities to create a safer online environment for all.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it is imperative for Indians to prioritize cybersecurity and take proactive measures to protect their sensitive information from cyber threats. With the right tools and knowledge, individuals and businesses can effectively defend themselves against the increasing number of cyber attacks.

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