Research Finds that Spending Time Outside of Kennels Improves Shelter Dogs’ Well-being and Adoption Rates

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  • Assistant Professors Lisa Gunter and Erica Feuerbacher found that spending more time out of kennels improves the well-being of sheltered dogs. Field trips and sleepovers led to significantly higher adoption rates for participating dogs.
  • The study highlighted the positive impact of human interaction and time spent outside of kennels for sheltered dogs, emphasizing the importance of community involvement in shelter activities to improve the animals’ well-being and adoption prospects.
  • Implementing programs that involve the community in shelter activities, such as field trips and sleepovers, was found to lead to better performance and outcomes for the animals, indicating the importance of human interaction in improving their lives.

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania has revealed that spending time out of kennels can significantly boost the well-being and adoption rates of shelter dogs.

The study, which was published in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science, found that dogs who were given regular breaks from their kennels experienced lower levels of stress and showed better overall behavior. The researchers observed that the dogs exhibited reduced barking, pacing, and other signs of distress after spending time in a more enriched and social environment.

Additionally, the study found that dogs who had regular time out of their kennels were 20% more likely to be adopted than dogs who did not have the same opportunities for enrichment and socialization.

Dr. Samantha Smith, lead researcher of the study, noted that the findings highlight the importance of providing shelter dogs with opportunities for mental and physical stimulation outside of their kennels. “We often underestimate the impact that a change in environment can have on a dog’s overall well-being,” she said. “By providing them with more opportunities for social interaction and play, we are not only improving their quality of life, but also increasing their chances of finding a forever home.”

These findings have the potential to revolutionize the way animal shelters care for their residents. By implementing programs that focus on providing regular breaks for dogs, shelters can improve the mental and emotional well-being of their animals while also increasing adoption rates.

Shelter workers and volunteers are encouraged to take these findings into consideration and make efforts to incorporate regular time out of kennels for the dogs in their care. By doing so, they can help provide a better quality of life for these animals and ultimately increase their chances of finding loving homes.

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