Researchers achieve unprecedented 19.31% efficiency using organic solar cells.

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  • Researchers from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University have achieved a record-breaking power-conversion efficiency of 19.31% with organic solar cells.
  • The improved efficiency of more than 19% constitutes a record for binary OSCs, which have one donor and one acceptor in the photo-active layer.
  • The research team invented a novel OSC morphology-regulating technique by using 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene as a crystallization regulator, boosting efficiency and stability.

In a major development in the field of renewable energy, researchers have achieved a record-breaking efficiency of 19.31% using organic solar cells. The breakthrough was made by a team of scientists from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, who have been working on improving the efficiency of organic solar cells for several years.

Organic solar cells, which are made using organic materials instead of silicon, have been growing in popularity in recent years due to their flexibility and low weight. However, their efficiency has been a point of concern, as they have lagged behind traditional silicon cells. The previous record for organic solar cells stood at 18.6%.

The team achieved the new record by using a combination of two materials, which allowed them to form a thicker and more efficient absorber layer in the solar cell. They also employed a new electrode design, which enabled better charge collection from the absorber layer.

The new efficiency record is a major step forward for the development of organic solar cells, which have the potential to revolutionize the renewable energy industry. The ability to create flexible and lightweight solar cells could lead to new applications in areas such as wearable technology and building-integrated photovoltaics.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology team’s achievement was recently published in the prestigious scientific journal Joule. The researchers are now working on further improving the efficiency of the organic solar cells, with a goal of reaching 20% in the near future.

This breakthrough has immense significance for sustainable energy and the research team’s efforts are commendable. The new design might also pave the way for new possibilities in applications for solar cells in the near future.

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