Resecurity, a US-based cybersecurity company, opens new office and technology hub in Bahrain

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Tech News Summary:

  • Resecurity Inc. has expanded its global presence by opening a new office in Manama, Bahrain, supported by the Bahrain Economic Development Board.
  • The move aligns with Resecurity’s goal of accelerating the delivery of its cybersecurity and threat intelligence offerings in both regional and international markets, taking advantage of Bahrain’s progressive government frameworks, digital infrastructure, and skilled workforce.
  • Resecurity’s expansion into Bahrain signifies their commitment to serving clients locally while leveraging their global expertise to address cybersecurity challenges effectively, and their recognition as a leader in the cyber threat intelligence market highlights their position as one of the world’s most innovative cybersecurity companies.

US Cybersecurity Company Resecurity Expands to Bahrain with New Office and Technology Hub

Manama, Bahrain – Resecurity, a leading US-based cybersecurity company, has announced its expansion into the Middle East with the opening of a new office and technology hub in Bahrain. The move is part of the company’s strategic growth plan to strengthen its presence in the region and better serve its growing customer base.

The new office and technology hub in Bahrain will serve as a center for research and development, as well as a base for sales and customer support for clients in the Middle East. The expansion will enable Resecurity to provide faster response times, localized support, and tailored solutions to address the increasing demand for cybersecurity services in Bahrain and the surrounding region.

“We are excited to establish a strong presence in Bahrain and expand our reach in the Middle East,” said Charles Yoo, CEO of Resecurity. “Bahrain is a thriving hub for technology and innovation, and we see great potential in the region. Our new office and technology hub will allow us to better serve our clients and partners, and continue to innovate and deliver cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions.”

Resecurity’s expansion into Bahrain comes at a time of growing concern over cybersecurity threats in the region, with a rise in cyber attacks targeting organizations and government entities. The company’s advanced threat intelligence and cybersecurity solutions will help businesses and government agencies in Bahrain strengthen their defenses and protect against evolving cyber threats.

“We are committed to providing best-in-class cybersecurity services to our clients in Bahrain and the Middle East,” added Yoo. “With our new office and technology hub, we will be able to work closely with local partners, government agencies, and enterprises to enhance their cybersecurity posture and address the growing threat landscape.”

The expansion into Bahrain marks a significant milestone for Resecurity as it continues to strengthen its global footprint and deliver comprehensive cybersecurity solutions to organizations worldwide. The company’s presence in the Middle East will enable it to better understand the specific needs of the region and tailor its products and services to meet the unique cybersecurity challenges faced by businesses and government entities in Bahrain and beyond.

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