Rivos Chip Startup Settles Trade Secrets Lawsuit with Apple

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  • Apple and Rivos have signed an agreement to potentially settle the case involving trade secrets related to computer-chip technology.
  • Apple accused Rivos of stealing its trade secrets, while Rivos denied the allegations and countersued Apple for unfair competition.
  • Last month, Apple settled related claims in the case against six former employees who left the company to join Rivos.

Apple has reached a settlement with chip startup Rivos in a lawsuit over alleged theft of trade secrets. The tech giant had accused Rivos of poaching employees and stealing confidential information to develop its own semiconductor technology.

The lawsuit, filed in 2020, claimed that Rivos had lured away Apple employees and misappropriated trade secrets related to Apple’s semiconductor designs. Apple alleged that Rivos used this stolen information to develop its own chips, which it then attempted to sell to Apple’s competitors.

Rivos denied the allegations and countersued Apple, claiming that the tech giant was trying to stifle competition in the semiconductor industry.

However, the two companies have now reached a settlement, the terms of which have not been disclosed. In a joint statement, Apple and Rivos announced that they have resolved their legal disputes and will work together to ensure that intellectual property rights are respected in the future.

The settlement brings an end to a contentious legal battle between the two companies. It also highlights the intense competition in the semiconductor industry, which has become increasingly important as demand for advanced technology continues to grow.

Both Apple and Rivos are expected to continue developing their own semiconductor technology as they seek to gain a competitive edge in the market. The settlement will allow them to focus on their respective businesses without the distraction of ongoing litigation.

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