RSU 40 Community Tech Nights Resume: Prepare to Take Your Skills to the Next Level!

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Tech News Summary:

  • Midcoast Adult & Community Education is hosting Community Technology Nights to provide hands-on assistance with digital devices and technology-related questions.
  • Participants can bring in their smartphones, laptops, tablets, and inquire about hardware and software issues, as well as receive support for online meeting platforms.
  • Coastal Maine Regional Broadband is supporting the initiative to expand public access and digital equity in the Midcoast area, and Midcoast Adult & Community Education is offering additional technology classes focused on social media and web browser safety.

After a brief hiatus, RSU 40 Community Tech Nights are back and better than ever. The popular program, aimed at helping community members of all ages improve their tech skills, will resume this month with a series of interactive and informative workshops.

The Community Tech Nights, which will be held at various locations throughout the district, will cover a wide range of topics including social media safety, online privacy, digital photography, coding, and much more. The workshops will be led by knowledgeable instructors who are dedicated to helping participants level up their tech skills in a fun and welcoming environment.

“We are thrilled to bring back the Community Tech Nights after a break,” said one of the organizers. “Technology is constantly evolving and it’s important for everyone to feel confident and competent in using it. These workshops are designed to empower individuals and give them the tools they need to succeed in today’s digital world.”

The Community Tech Nights are open to all members of the RSU 40 community, regardless of age or experience level. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a more advanced user, there will be something for everyone to learn and enjoy.

So, mark your calendars and get ready to level up your tech skills at the upcoming RSU 40 Community Tech Nights. Stay tuned for more details on workshop topics and dates, and get ready to embrace the digital age with confidence and excitement.

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