Samsung and British Gas Collaborate to Transform Energy Efficiency in UK Residences

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Tech News Summary:

  • Samsung and British Gas have partnered to help UK customers control their home energy consumption, integrating SmartThings Energy with British Gas’ PeakSave program. This collaboration aims to promote more efficient and sustainable energy use in households across the UK.
  • British Gas is committed to helping the nation achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 through various energy-efficient home improvement initiatives and is the leading provider of energy and home services in the UK, serving 10 million homes and businesses.
  • The integration of SmartThings Energy’s Auto Demand Response feature with British Gas’ PeakSave allows customers to earn rewards by changing their electricity usage during peak times, contributing to energy conservation. Samsung aims to expand its service globally as part of its contribution to the Net Zero Home initiative.

In a groundbreaking partnership, Samsung and British Gas have joined forces to revolutionize energy efficiency in UK homes. The collaboration aims to leverage Samsung’s advanced technology and British Gas’s expertise in the energy sector to create innovative solutions that will make homes more sustainable and cost-effective.

The partnership will focus on developing smart home technology that will help consumers better manage their energy usage and reduce their carbon footprint. This includes the integration of Samsung’s smart appliances and home automation devices with British Gas’s energy management systems, allowing homeowners to monitor and control their energy consumption from anywhere, at any time.

Through this collaboration, the companies also plan to introduce new energy-efficient appliances that will not only help consumers save on their utility bills but also contribute to the overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition to improving energy efficiency in individual homes, the partnership will also work towards creating a more connected and sustainable energy grid. By leveraging data and analytics, the companies aim to optimize energy distribution and promote the use of renewable energy sources.

The innovative solutions developed through this partnership have the potential to transform the way UK homes consume and manage energy, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future.

Both Samsung and British Gas are excited about the potential impact of this collaboration and are committed to creating a more sustainable and energy-efficient future for UK homeowners. Stay tuned for more updates on the exciting developments stemming from this groundbreaking partnership.

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