Just over four years have passed since the phone’s debut. In August of last year, Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note 9 with Android 8.1, a Snapdragon 845, 6GB or 8GB of RAM, and a headphone port. It was a well-liked phone among those who were concerned with productivity and business, and it has subsequently been updated to Android 10 with less security updates. The Galaxy Note 9 will no longer receive software upgrades as a result of the corporation removing it from their website. Unfortunately, this implies that those who are still using this phone will soon need to start considering an upgrade.
The Galaxy Note 9’s support has now officially been discontinued by Samsung. As a result, the business will no longer provide software upgrades for the phone. The Galaxy S8 and Note 8 lost software support last year, thus the 9 series phones were next on the chopping block, so this shouldn’t come as a surprise. The list of supported devices and the frequency at which they will receive updates from Samsung are both displayed on the company’s security update page. The phone will no longer receive updates if it is not on the list. The Note 9 was recently removed from the list, as 9To5Google found out.
The thing is that when a company supports its phone, it sends crucial security updates to it that keep it safe. There are spots in the phone’s software where hackers can get in and access your files. This is a worst-case scenario, but security updates fix those spots. A well-updated phone is a safe phone. As you can imagine, a phone that hasn’t been updated in a while can be rather unsafe. This doesn’t mean that your Galaxy Note 9 is going to be hacked this instant. However, if you really value the safety of your data, you’ll want to make preparations to update to a new phone.