Sectra Reveals Newest Imaging IT Solutions at RSNA to Enhance Radiologist Work-life Balance

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  • Sectra will unveil innovations at RSNA designed to enhance workflow efficiency and promote a healthier work-life balance for radiologists.
  • The latest features of Sectra IDS7 increase productivity, Sectra One Research bridges the gap between research and clinical application, and Sectra Forms enables structured reporting workflows.
  • Sectra’s innovations aim to relieve some of the burdens faced by radiologists and empower them with faster access to the latest features and functionality, workplace flexibility, and tools for medical training.

Sectra, a leading provider of imaging IT solutions, has unveiled their latest products at the 2021 Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) conference, aimed at improving the work-life balance for radiologists. The new solutions, known as Tofido, are designed to streamline workflow and enhance efficiency, allowing radiologists to spend more time with their families and pursue a healthier work-life balance.

With Tofido, radiologists can expect a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, reducing the time spent on administrative tasks and allowing for greater focus on patient care and diagnosis. The new solutions also include advanced tools for automation and analytics, enabling faster and more accurate image analysis, and reducing the need for overtime or extended work hours.

“We understand the challenges that radiologists face in maintaining a healthy work-life balance, especially in such a demanding field,” says Gustaf Hedström, President of Sectra, Inc. “With Tofido, we aim to alleviate some of the burden and provide radiologists with the tools they need to work more efficiently and effectively, ultimately allowing for more time outside of the hospital or clinic.”

The unveiling of Tofido at RSNA has generated significant interest among attendees, with many expressing optimism about the potential impact of these new solutions on the well-being of radiologists. By empowering radiologists with the tools to improve their work-life balance, Sectra hopes to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable work environment within the field of radiology.

The Tofido solutions are expected to be available for implementation in healthcare facilities in the coming months, with Sectra continuing to innovate and develop technologies aimed at supporting the well-being of healthcare professionals.

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