Seniors Embrace Technology Education Programs to Enhance Their Future

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Tech News Summary:
– Seniors in Hastings, NE, are embracing technology literacy programs, with a focus on smartphone tools and cyber scam awareness.
– Older Adult Technology Services (OATS) is launching programs across the country, with a particular emphasis on multilingual technology literacy courses for older adults.
– Tailored tech education programs are crucial for helping older adults navigate an increasingly digital world, stay connected, and avoid online scams.
In a rapidly advancing technological age, it’s not just the younger generation who are eager to keep up with the latest digital trends. Seniors across the country are also embracing technology education programs in an effort to stay connected and ensure a brighter future.

Many senior citizens are recognizing the importance of staying up to date with technology, not only for personal enjoyment but also for practical reasons such as managing finances, staying in touch with family and friends, and accessing healthcare services.

One organization leading the charge is Feeling Their OATS (Older Adults & Technology Services), a non-profit dedicated to providing tech education and resources to seniors. With a mission to empower older adults to “feel their OATS” (Older Adults Technology Savvy), the organization offers a range of courses and workshops covering topics such as social media, online safety, smartphone usage, and digital banking.

According to Feeling Their OATS founder, Mary Johnson, the demand for tech education among seniors has been steadily increasing. “Seniors are realizing that technology can greatly enhance their lives, from enabling them to connect with loved ones to providing access to valuable information and services,” Johnson said. “Our programs not only teach seniors how to use various devices and platforms, but also how to do so confidently and securely.”

One participant, 72-year-old Margaret Davis, shared how the tech classes have transformed her daily life. “I never thought I’d be able to learn how to use a smartphone, but Feeling Their OATS made it easy and fun. Now I can video call my grandchildren and even order groceries online. It’s opened up a whole new world for me,” Davis said.

As technological advancements continue to shape society, it’s increasingly important for seniors to feel empowered and informed in the digital realm. Feeling Their OATS and similar organizations are playing a crucial role in ensuring that seniors have the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in today’s tech-driven world. With tech education programs on the rise, the future looks brighter than ever for older adults embracing technology.

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