Small Businesses Funded by NASA to Advance Space and Earth Technology

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Tech News Summary:

  • NASA has selected 112 proposals from 92 US small businesses in 28 states to receive funding from the Small Business Innovation Research Phase II program to advance space exploration and climate research.
  • The Phase II awards have risen to $850,000, and awardees will have 24 months to execute them. Technologies could support NASA’s Moon and Mars exploration goals and several other projects.
  • The funding will help small businesses develop transformative technologies that could change how we explore space or improve life on Earth.

In a groundbreaking move aimed at expanding opportunities for small businesses to innovate and advance space technology, NASA has embarked on a new initiative to invest in small businesses. NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program, with funding totaling approximately $200 million annually, will be a key driver of this initiative.

This new investment will support research and development of technologies crucial to the success of NASA’s missions and the advancement of space exploration. The program will also drive innovation for earth technologies with potential to impact sectors such as healthcare, transportation, and environmental science.

“Small businesses are driving innovation and fueling economic growth,” said NASA Administrator Bill Nelson. “Through this investment, we can help entrepreneurs realize their dreams of creating new technologies and products that will help advance space exploration and improve life on Earth.”

NASA aims to work with small businesses who are developing innovative technologies that have the potential to revolutionize space exploration efforts. The program will also focus on supporting underrepresented groups in the business community, such as women-owned and minority-owned businesses.

The initiative will not only provide the small businesses with funding but it will also give them access to NASA’s expertise in areas such as engineering, science, and technology. The collaboration with NASA may eventually open doors for small businesses to partner with larger corporations and expand their reach.

NASA’s investment in small businesses will help drive innovation, create new jobs, and bring us closer to the goal of sustainable space exploration. It is a bold move that is sure to yield exciting results for the space industry and beyond.

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