Spotify criticizes Apple’s ‘misleading’ compliance with EU regulation

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Tech News Summary:

  • Spotify criticizes Apple’s new plan to comply with the European Union’s Digital Markets Act, calling it a “farce.”
  • Under Apple’s new regime, developers will still be required to pay a “basic technology fee” of 50 euro cents per user account per year, leading to dissatisfaction from companies like Spotify.
  • Despite Apple’s assertion that the new terms will benefit developers, concerns about high fees and additional costs persist, raising the stakes in the ongoing clash between tech companies and regulatory authorities.

In a recent statement, Spotify has publicly slammed Apple for its perceived lack of compliance with EU regulations, calling the tech giant’s actions a “farce.”

The music streaming service, which has been embroiled in a legal battle with Apple over its App Store practices, has accused the company of failing to abide by the EU’s new regulations aimed at promoting fair competition and protecting consumers.

Spotify’s CEO, Daniel Ek, stated, “Apple’s actions are nothing short of a farce. Despite the EU’s clear directives, Apple continues to abuse its dominant market position and stifle competition in the music streaming industry.”

The European Union recently announced new regulations designed to address concerns over anti-competitive behavior by tech giants, including requiring them to allow alternative payment methods for in-app purchases. However, Spotify alleges that Apple has not made the necessary changes to comply with these regulations.

This public condemnation is the latest development in Spotify and Apple’s ongoing dispute, which has seen Spotify file a complaint against Apple with the EU’s antitrust authority and testify before the US Congress about Apple’s alleged anti-competitive practices.

Apple has yet to respond to Spotify’s accusations, but the tech giant has consistently defended its App Store policies and denied any wrongdoing.

As the legal battle between Spotify and Apple continues to unfold, it’s clear that the music streaming industry is facing significant challenges in achieving fair competition and consumer protection. It remains to be seen how this dispute will impact the future of the music streaming market and the broader tech industry as a whole.

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