SRI Introduces New Division for Future Concepts and Rejuvenates PARC Campus: Embracing Technology Innovation and Heritage

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Tech News Summary:

  • SRI has announced the formation of its new Future Concepts division, incorporating the PARC research group to advance future technologies.
  • The integration of PARC into SRI’s new division demonstrates a commitment to innovation and collaboration, with former head Jan Vandenbrande leading the division.
  • The utilization of PARC’s Palo Alto campus as a hub for international workshops and events emphasizes SRI’s dedication to groundbreaking research and engagement with various communities.

SRI International, a leading research and innovation organization, has announced the unveiling of its Future Concepts Division and the revitalization of its renowned PARC campus in Silicon Valley. The launch of the new division and the campus transformation represent SRI’s commitment to embracing innovation and preserving its rich heritage in technology.

The Future Concepts Division will focus on pioneering research and development in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing, and advanced materials. The division will bring together SRI’s top researchers and experts to drive forward-thinking innovation and create groundbreaking solutions for the future.

In addition to the launch of the Future Concepts Division, SRI has also revealed a revitalized PARC campus, which has been a hub for technological innovation since its founding in the 1970s. The refreshed campus will feature state-of-the-art facilities, collaborative workspaces, and cutting-edge research labs, creating an environment that fosters creativity and collaboration.

“We are excited to announce the launch of our Future Concepts Division and the revitalization of our PARC campus,” said Dr. William Mark, SRI’s President and CEO. “These initiatives reflect our dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation and preserving the legacy of technological excellence that SRI and PARC are known for.”

SRI’s commitment to embracing innovation and preserving its heritage in technology has positioned the organization as a leader in the research and development landscape. The unveiling of the Future Concepts Division and the revitalized PARC campus is a testament to SRI’s continued dedication to driving positive change and creating impactful solutions for the future.

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