Although retaining the ability, his drone is now designed to track Crypto and “automatically track nearby enemies for a specified period of time.” Introduced last season, Rhapsody, a mobile-only Legend, takes over his own city in Kings Canyon.
Apex Legends Mobile Studio Respawn Entertainment has announced that the game’s third season, Hyperbeat, will launch on Tuesday, August 23, adding new playable characters and more. Crypto, the drone-escorted hacker who first appeared in the PC and console versions of Apex Legends, is now playable in the new season.
New decorations have been added to the Store Vault, along with new changes to the eternal drop rate of Rhapsody’s Underground. Players who consistently withdraw from the Store Vault have an increased chance of receiving an Eternal Cosmetic Item up to a certain cap, which resets upon receiving that Eternal Item.
The location of the Air Force Base will be the Pythas Theater, a music and Pyro concert stage. New VIP Supply Crates have been added to accompany the change. This includes VIP Passes to collect and “Get Access to Crates of Powerful Equipment”.
Ranked players’ ranks will reset like they did last season, but now include additional rewards at higher ranks. Apex Legends Mobile is free to play on Android and iOS devices, making it one of the best Android games on the platform.
Hyperbeat Season will also feature a limited time event Gun Game, a new Battle Pass with new Lifeline, Pathfinder and Mirage skins, and Ranked.