Study by Criteo Reveals 83% of Publishers are Interested in Retail Media Investment

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  • 83% of publishers are interested in tapping into retail media ad spend by embedding products on their web pages, creating more inventory opportunities for offsite campaigns.
  • An overwhelming majority of agencies, brands, and retailers have reported that retail media has had a strong or positive impact on their bottom line in 2023, with 79% of advertisers agreeing that retail media spend is more effective in terms of sales than any other channel.
  • 85% of brands and agencies agree that the ability of retail media to drive upper-funnel brand awareness is growing stronger, leading to 83% of publishers prioritizing retail media revenue in the next 12-18 months. Additionally, 69% of publishers are prioritizing retail media revenue in the future, with 51% of retailers investing in offsite demands and 43% working to meet demands for retail media in-store.

In a recent study conducted by Criteo, it was found that 83% of publishers are increasingly interested in investing in retail media. The study, which surveyed over 1,000 publishers globally, revealed a growing trend towards retail media as a lucrative opportunity for monetization.

According to the study, publishers are eager to tap into the growing retail media market, leveraging their first-party data and audience insights to offer targeted advertising solutions to brands and retailers. This shift in focus towards retail media is driven by the increasing demand for personalized and relevant advertising experiences from consumers.

Retail media, which involves brands advertising directly on retailer websites and apps, has seen rapid growth in recent years. With the rise of e-commerce and the shift towards digital shopping, retailers have become valuable advertising platforms for brands looking to reach their target audiences at the point of purchase.

In response to this trend, publishers are keen to position themselves as key players in the retail media space, capitalizing on their digital assets and audience engagement to deliver effective advertising solutions for brands and retailers.

The study also highlighted the importance of collaboration between publishers and retailers in creating seamless and impactful advertising experiences for consumers. By working together, publishers and retailers can leverage their respective strengths to deliver targeted, personalized, and measurable advertising solutions that drive results for brands.

Overall, the findings of the Criteo study indicate a strong shift in the publishing industry towards retail media investment, as publishers look to capitalize on the growing opportunities in the digital advertising landscape. As the retail media market continues to evolve, publishers are well-positioned to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of advertising and consumer engagement.

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