Study Reveals that AI-Endangered Jobs are Dominated by Women.

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  • According to a study by Revelio Labs, artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to replace jobs held by women, such as bill and account collectors, payroll clerks, and executive secretaries, which are often repetitive and low-skilled.
  • The rise of AI could potentially impact high-wage occupations more than non-traditional manufacturing jobs, putting highly skilled workers at risk.
  • To address gender biases and ensure fair distribution of AI’s benefits, retraining opportunities must be provided to help women adapt to the changing job landscape.

According to the latest study, women are mostly occupying AI-threatened jobs. The study shows that women make up 70% of the workforce in jobs that are at high risk of being replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) in the near future.

The study, which was conducted by the World Economic Forum, analyzed the future impact of AI and automation on the global workforce. It found that while automation will create new job opportunities and increase productivity, it will also threaten many existing jobs.

The study revealed that the roles at high risk of being replaced by AI include administrative and secretarial jobs, data entry and processing jobs, assembly and factory work, and customer service jobs. These jobs are typically held by women, who make up the majority of the workforce in these industries.

This finding is particularly concerning as it could exacerbate the existing gender pay gap. Women are already paid less than men for doing the same job, and if their jobs are being replaced by machines, they may become even more vulnerable to discrimination in the workplace.

The study also found that men are more likely to hold jobs that are less susceptible to automation, such as managerial roles and jobs in the STEM fields.

Policy makers must take action to address the potential impact of AI on the workforce, particularly on women. They should consider investing in retraining programs to offer workers the skills that will be needed in the future job market. They must also ensure gender equality is prioritized in decision-making around automation.

Overall, the study highlights the importance of careful consideration when it comes to implementing AI and automation in the workplace, particularly around the potential impact on people’s livelihoods and the gender pay gap.

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