Study Reveals Women at Greater Risk of Job Loss Due to Gender Bias in the Age of AI

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Tech News Summary:

  • A study by Revelio Labs has found that artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to affect jobs held by women disproportionately. Most jobs likely to be replaced by AI are typically held by women, such as bill and account collectors and executive secretaries, exacerbating the gender disparity in the workforce.
  • Advances in AI may also affect high-wage occupations more than manufacturing jobs, and IBM has recently announced that it is slowing down hiring for roles that can be easily replaced by AI. Providing training opportunities will be crucial for women to navigate the changing job landscape, and companies need to work towards creating equal opportunities for all employees irrespective of their gender.
  • While AI has tremendous potential benefits for businesses and industries worldwide, its implementation must not reinforce or create new gender inequalities. The impact of AI is skewed along gender lines, and there is a need to ensure that existing biases do not get perpetuated.

A new study has found that women are at a higher risk of job loss due to gender bias in the age of AI. The study, conducted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, analyzed data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and found that women are more likely to hold jobs that are susceptible to automation, such as administrative or clerical positions.

Additionally, the study found that jobs that are typically held by women are more likely to be undervalued and underpaid, leading to a higher likelihood of job loss due to cost-cutting measures.

Experts warn that the gender bias in AI may exacerbate the existing gender pay gap and lead to a loss of economic empowerment for women. They suggest that policymakers should prioritize creating programs to retrain women for jobs that are less likely to be automated and address pay disparities in order to mitigate the impact of AI on women’s employment.

The study highlights the importance of addressing gender bias in the development and implementation of AI technology to ensure equitable outcomes for all members of society.

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