Survey by DNPA-EY Reveals Unmatched Trust of Indian Audience in Traditional Online News Platforms

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Tech News Summary:

  1. Indian audience trusts online news platforms more than legacy newspaper and television brands and social media for news.
  2. Consumption of digital news has slightly decreased over the years, with the majority of people accessing news through web platforms and smartphones.
  3. Digital news companies in India face financial challenges, with limited revenue from advertising and subscriptions, and high costs for news gathering and technology development.

A recent survey conducted by the Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA) and global consultancy firm EY has revealed that Indian audiences have an unparalleled trust in legacy online news platforms.

The survey, which aimed to understand the Indian consumers’ perception of digital news, found that a majority of Indian audiences trust legacy online news platforms more than new digital media outlets. The respondents cited factors such as credibility, accuracy, and reliability as the reasons for their trust in these legacy platforms.

According to the survey, legacy news platforms have been able to build trust over the years through their commitment to high-quality journalism, editorial standards, and a robust fact-checking process. This has translated into a loyal and engaged audience who prefers to consume news from these established brands.

The survey also highlighted the importance of credible and trustworthy news sources in today’s digital age, where misinformation and fake news are rampant. Indian audiences are increasingly seeking reliable sources of information, and the legacy news platforms seem to be fulfilling that need.

The findings of the survey have significant implications for the digital news landscape in India. It underscores the enduring value of legacy news platforms and their ability to maintain the trust of their audiences in the face of competition from new digital media players.

The DNPA and EY survey has provided valuable insights into the preferences and behaviors of Indian news consumers, highlighting the enduring trust that they place in legacy online news platforms. This trust is a testament to the continued relevance and importance of these platforms in shaping public discourse and informing the Indian populace.

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