Taiwan’s Head of State Pledges to Strengthen Military Defenses through Advanced Technologies

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Tech News Summary:

  • Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen vows to enhance the country’s rescue and defense capabilities with new technologies to strengthen Taiwan for maintaining peace. She made these remarks during an anti-terror drill inspection in Kaohsiung and emphasized the need for policies safeguarding maritime and border security.
  • Taiwan faces increasing military threats from China, which considers it a breakaway province that it aims to retake by force if necessary. Taiwanese security officials demonstrated how they would defend themselves against terrorist acts at sea during a drill where they boarded small boats onto a vessel controlled by “terrorists,” took control of them and rappelled down from a flying helicopter.
  • According to sources cited in Military.com Daily News article, strengthening Taiwan’s defense capabilities should be supported by other countries worldwide as it is crucial to global stability in achieving peace and security across borders.

Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen has vowed to bolster the country’s defense capability by investing in cutting-edge technologies. In a speech delivered on Sunday, Tsai announced plans to increase defense spending and purchase advanced weapons systems, including drones, high-end satellites, and cyber defense technology.

“Our top priority is to ensure Taiwan’s security and defend our democracy,” Tsai said. “We need to invest in the latest technologies to enhance our defense capabilities, especially in the face of growing military threats from China.”

Taiwan has been under pressure from China, which claims the island as its sovereign territory and has stepped up its military activities in the Taiwan Strait. In recent months, China has conducted military drills near Taiwan and sent warplanes into the island’s air defense identification zone, prompting concerns of a potential conflict.

To counter these threats, Tsai said Taiwan would increase its defense budget by 5.4% to $16.8 billion in the coming year. The funds would be used to upgrade the country’s military hardware and improve its capability to defend against missile attacks and cyber threats.

“We are committed to maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, but we must also prepare for all eventualities,” Tsai said. “We will not compromise on our sovereignty or let anyone bully us.”

To achieve its defense goals, Taiwan will also seek closer ties with its allies, including the United States, Japan, and Australia, Tsai said. She added that Taiwan would work to deepen its partnerships with other countries in the Indo-Pacific region to promote regional security and stability.

The announcement was met with support from Taiwan’s allies, with the United States calling on China to “cease its military, diplomatic, and economic pressure against Taiwan” and respect the island’s democratic system. Japan’s Defense Minister, Nobuo Kishi, also expressed his country’s support for Taiwan’s defense efforts and said Japan would continue to cooperate with Taiwan on security matters.

Taiwan’s bold defense plans come at a time of heightened tensions in the Indo-Pacific region, with countries increasingly concerned about China’s assertiveness in the region. As Taiwan seeks to strengthen its defense capabilities, the world will be watching to see how China responds and how the balance of power in the region will be affected.

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