TDK Corp of Japan to Start Producing iPhone Battery Cells in India: Significant Shift in Technology Manufacturing

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Tech News Summary:

  • Japanese electronics parts maker TDK Corp to manufacture iPhone battery cells in India, as Apple looks to shift production away from China and expand its presence in the Indian market.
  • The new manufacturing plant in Haryana is expected to create around 1,000 new jobs and underscores India’s growing importance as a key manufacturing hub for global technology companies.
  • The partnership between TDK Corp and Apple further solidifies the tech giant’s commitment to sourcing components locally for its products and marks an important milestone for both companies in strengthening their partnership.

Japan’s TDK Corp has announced its plans to manufacture iPhone battery cells in India, marking a significant development in the country’s technology manufacturing sector. This move is expected to revolutionize the mobile phone industry and elevate India’s standing in the global market.

The decision to shift iPhone battery cell production from China to India is part of TDK Corp’s strategy to diversify its manufacturing operations and tap into India’s growing consumer base. This move comes at a time when several global technology companies are looking to reduce their reliance on China for manufacturing and seek new opportunities in emerging markets.

According to sources, TDK Corp has already started working on setting up a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in India that will produce high-quality battery cells for iPhones. The company aims to leverage India’s skilled workforce and favorable business environment to ensure the seamless and efficient production of these critical components.

This development is expected to provide a significant boost to India’s technology manufacturing sector and create numerous job opportunities for the local workforce. It also aligns with the Indian government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative, which aims to promote indigenous manufacturing and position India as a global manufacturing hub.

The move by TDK Corp to manufacture iPhone battery cells in India is a testament to the country’s tremendous potential as a manufacturing destination for technology products. It is a game-changing moment for India’s technology industry and has the potential to attract further investments and partnerships from leading global companies.

Overall, this development is expected to have a far-reaching impact on the technology manufacturing landscape, and is a significant step towards establishing India as a key player in the global technology supply chain.

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