Tech Company Grows with Acquisition of Fry’s Electronics San Jose Site, Ensuring Future Expansion

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Tech News Summary:

  • A technology company, Super Micro Computer, has purchased the former Fry’s Electronics site in San José for $80 million in an all-cash deal.
  • The company plans to develop a vast seven-building office campus on the 19.7-acre property near the intersection of Interstate 880 and Brokaw Road.
  • This marks their second significant property acquisition in the San Jose area, with plans for the development of a new technology campus that could create a major employment triangle in the region.

Growing Tech Company Acquires Fry’s Electronics San Jose Site, Securing Future Expansion

SAN JOSE, CA – In a strategic move to secure its future expansion plans, a growing tech company has acquired the site of the former Fry’s Electronics store in San Jose, California.

The site, located at 550 E Brokaw Road, has been a landmark in the Silicon Valley for decades. With the closure of Fry’s Electronics in 2021, the 20-acre property became available for acquisition. The tech company, which specializes in artificial intelligence and data analytics, saw this as a prime opportunity to secure a strategic location for its future growth.

The acquisition of the Fry’s Electronics site comes at a time when the tech company is experiencing rapid expansion. The company has recently secured several major contracts and is looking to increase its workforce and expand its operations. The new site in San Jose will provide ample space for the company’s growing team and allow for future expansion.

“We are excited to announce the acquisition of the Fry’s Electronics site in San Jose. This strategic move will give us the space we need to continue growing and innovating in the tech industry,” said the company’s CEO. “The Silicon Valley is our home, and we are committed to investing in its future.”

The company plans to renovate and redevelop the site to create a state-of-the-art facility that will accommodate its growing team and provide space for research and development. The move is expected to create new job opportunities in the area and contribute to the local economy.

The acquisition of the Fry’s Electronics site is seen as a positive development for the Silicon Valley and a testament to the continued growth and innovation in the tech industry. As the company moves forward with its expansion plans, it is poised to make a significant impact in the region and beyond.

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