Test of Twitter-Similar repost feature on Instagram will start soon

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That a spokesperson for the photo and video sharing platform owned by Meta has confirmed that it will begin testing the repost feature with a small number of people soon. “We are exploring the possibility of re-sharing posts on the [Instagram] feed, similar to how you can re-share on Stories. You will be recognized for your work,” said the spokesperson. Social media consultant and industry analyst Matt Navarra first spotted the feature, and Instagram CEO posted a screenshot showing the Repost tab on Adam Mosseri’s profile.

A spokesperson for the social media platform said Instagram will soon begin testing a repost feature very similar to what is available on Twitter. The test appears to be conducted with a select number of Instagram users, and the first mention of the feature was found last week by a social media consultant on his Instagram head Adam Mosseri’s profile, with a screenshot It surfaced when I shared it. The development comes as Twitter is reportedly working to add support for sharing Tweets to Instagram Stories.


  • There is no special way to reshare posts in feeds like Twitter does. Android recently added its own version of cross-platform repost/share. A new Twitter feature will allow Android users to quickly share tweets directly to her Instagram story or her Snapchat. I used to have to take screenshots and post them on his Instagram Stories, but in the process I was sorting through my phone’s photo/gallery app. The microblogging platform also announced support for sharing tweets directly on LinkedIn for Android and iOS.

  • The Reports tab was proposed to appear on the user’s profile alongside the Posts, Reels, and Tagged Photos tabs. Two days later, Navarra posted another image. This image gives a quick hint of how this feature is expected to work. The reposts tab on Instagram may display all reposts that the user has reshared on their account. Now you can repost reels or post them to your Instagram story and DM them to your friends and groups.

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