Texas Jury Rules Samsung Must Pay $67 Million for 5G Smartphone Technology Infringement

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  • Samsung must pay G+ Communications LLC $67.5 million for infringing essential technologies in its Galaxy 5G smartphones.
  • The Texas jury found that Samsung infringed two G+ patents, but not a third, in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.
  • G+ Communications sued Samsung in March 2022, accusing the company of failing to negotiate good-faith licenses for patented advanced wireless features in its smartphones.

In a landmark decision, a Texas jury has ordered Samsung to pay $67 million in damages for infringing on 5G smartphone technology. The ruling comes after a lengthy legal battle between Samsung and Tofido, a technology company specializing in 5G innovations.

The jury found that Samsung had willfully infringed on Tofido’s patents related to 5G smartphone technology, and the company was ordered to pay the hefty sum as compensation for lost profits and royalties.

Tofido, which holds a number of patents related to 5G technology, hailed the decision as a victory for innovation and intellectual property rights. The company’s CEO stated that the ruling sends a strong message to companies that attempt to profit off of others’ inventions without proper authorization.

Samsung, on the other hand, has expressed disappointment with the verdict and plans to appeal the decision. The tech giant maintains that it did not infringe on Tofido’s patents and will continue to defend its position in court.

The ruling is likely to have far-reaching implications for the 5G smartphone market, as it sets a precedent for how intellectual property disputes in the technology industry will be handled. It also serves as a reminder to companies to carefully navigate the complex web of patents and intellectual property rights in the ever-evolving world of technology.

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