The future of hacking is now and you can find the latest news here

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We have a wide range of account kinds, including “user,” “guest,” “admin,” and “service” accounts, each of which has a password that must be monitored and changed on a regular basis in order to safeguard a number of systems. Creating passwords has also got a lot more difficult: Eight characters are required, including one uppercase, one lowercase, numerals, and special characters. Additionally, our unique access and identity profiles include personal identification numbers (PINs), two-factor authentication (2FA), multi-factor authentication (MFA), biometrics, soft and hard tokens, card readers, proximity sensors, and photo ID.

IAM (identity and access management) has evolved significantly from the early days of the internet.


  • Cybercriminals are increasingly breaking into your accounts using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), as cybersecurity standards have changed.

  • Cyberattacks should be a thing of the past with all these measures in place to control who has access to what data and when. Right?

Even the most advanced hacking tools require intelligence akin to that of a person to guide them against probable targets. AI can help in this situation.

Here is how it happens and what you can do to stop it:

Using AI, hackers can hide out on a company’s network for a long time without being noticed, giving them time to create back doors into the vital systems of the company. They can then eavesdrop on meetings, extract data, transmit malicious software, create privileged accounts to access other systems, and/or install ransomware once they are ready to launch an attack against the larger business.

Due to its capacity to learn and foresee both the present and the future, AI is a particularly potent tool for hackers.

Cybercriminals frequently employ AI to break into corporate networks using the following techniques: Malwarebytes reports a significant rise in hacks when hackers hide behind a company’s website or infrastructure using AI and ML. Companies must therefore fight fire with fire and employ AI & ML to keep their networks secure in order to stay secure and stay in business.

According to Mimecast, the market for AI cybersecurity technology is expected to develop at a compound annual growth rate of 23.6% through 2027, when it is anticipated to reach $46.3 billion. Security teams may identify threats more quickly and respond to problems more quickly thanks to AI- and ML-powered solutions like security event management (SEM), security information management (SIM), and security information and event management (SIEM). The AI has the ability to instantaneously and automatically prevent a user from accessing files when it notices suspicious behaviour on a specific IP address or endpoint.

Here are some key ways that businesses might use AI to protect themselves against cyberattacks: While AI can be an effective tool to support cybersecurity activities, it cannot take the place of more established security measures. In reality, it functions best when combined with conventional techniques: An organization’s defences can be strengthened by combining authentication, biometric technologies, and/or MFA with AI. Password managers offer automation for password creation, updating, and advice on password strength as one example of how to do this.

Powerful tools like AI and ML are revolutionising company operations across the board, including network security management. As a result, security and risk management experts need to be aware of how they are growing and what best practises are for utilising them to enhance IAM design. The greatest strategy to strengthen your organization’s cybersecurity toolkit is to combine AI with sensible, well-considered cybersecurity practises and security-by-design methodologies like zero trust.

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