The Latest News on Israeli Tech and Innovation: Pushing Beyond Limits

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Tech News Summary:

  • Microsoft has partnered with Israeli startup Shopic to showcase its smart cart technology at the Munich Experience Center. Shopic’s clip-on device tracks shoppers’ purchases, allowing them to pay without waiting in line, and can be attached to any standard grocery cart, eliminating the need for expensive new carts and infrastructure investments by supermarkets.
  • Shopic’s device uses computer vision AI algorithms to identify each item placed in the cart, making grocery shopping quicker and more efficient for consumers. Israel’s largest supermarket chain, Shufersal, reported an eight percent increase in monthly spending after testing the device in a pilot program and plans to roll it out in at least 30 stores.
  • The technology provides valuable data insights into customer behavior and preferences, allowing retailers to make better decisions about product placement and marketing strategies. Microsoft’s partnership with Shopic demonstrates the importance of innovation and collaboration in solving real-world problems faced by businesses and is expected to have a significant impact on the European market.

In the fast-paced world of technology and innovation, Israel is consistently making waves with their groundbreaking advancements. From cybersecurity to autonomous driving, Israeli startups are pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

One recent development in Israeli tech is a new tool called “Tikun”, which is aimed at identifying and combating fake news. This tool uses machine learning and AI algorithms to scan websites and social media platforms for false or misleading headlines, and flag them for fact-checking.

Another major Israeli tech innovation is the development of autonomous vehicles. Israeli startup Mobileye has partnered with BMW to develop self-driving cars, with plans to launch fully autonomous vehicles on the market as soon as 2021.

In the world of cybersecurity, Israeli startup Cymmetria has created a deception-based cybersecurity platform called “MazeRunner”. This platform uses fake digital “breadcrumbs” to lure cyber attackers away from valuable data, ultimately leading them into a trap.

These are just a few examples of the many Israeli tech innovations that are breaking boundaries and driving progress. With a thriving startup scene and a culture of innovation, Israel is sure to continue making waves in the tech world for years to come.

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