The Match Group and Epic Games intend to accuse Google of further antitrust violations

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  • Epic Games and Match Group are trying to add a search giant to google litigation. On Friday, a document submitted to the Federal Court in the northern California district, both companies have accused Google for paying the developers with funds and abilities to create competing Android app stores. Specifically, Epic and Match refers to contracts such as Project Hug. this initiative, later called the “Apps and Games Velocity Program,” Google is millions of dollars to keep some of the most popular developers on Android in the Play Store.

“Some of these contracts are to prevent developers from launching competing app stores, and they are actually doing so,” Filing states. Google has added that Google itself violates the Shaman law, a major anti -trade method in the United States. Under the Sherman Act, per se violations don`t require a plaintiff to show how a certain behavior negatively affected the market since it`s generally accepted such actions reduce competition (price fixing, for instance, falls under that category).

Google told Engadget it would oppose the motion. “Epic and Match are adding more inaccurate claims to their failing lawsuits and we`re looking forward to setting the record straight in court,” a company spokesperson said.

“The program on which Epic and Match base their claims simply provides incentives for developers to give benefits and early access to Google Play users when they release new or updated content; it does not prevent developers from creating competing app stores, as they allege,” they added. “In fact, the program is proof that Google Play competes fairly with numerous rivals for developers, who have a number of choices for operating systems and app stores.”

The motion comes after both Epic and Match reached temporary agreements with Google earlier this year to ensure their apps remain on the Play Store while they resolve their litigation. In a counterclaim filed in June, Google accused Match of trying to pay “anything” for access to the Play Store. Google’s store fees are also under scrutiny from the Department of Justice and her commission of more than 30 states.

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