The new ChatGPT app for the Apple The watch is called Petey

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  • With the Apple Watch, there is a new ChatGPT app named Petey, and if Siri had feelings, she would undoubtedly be concerned. Using speech-to-text, you can communicate with Petey and have it read back your responses in a charming robot voice before sharing its AI responses via text or email.

Even in comparison to other virtual assistants, Siri is infamously constrained. Apple’s AI frequently struggles to answer even the most basic of queries, which is fantastic if you just want to check the weather or send a jumbled letter. Petey appears to do significantly better at responding to more complex requests, at least based on samples provided by the Dutch developer Hidde van der Ploeg. Step-by-step directions for building a birdhouse are provided on Petey’s page in the app store (finally, I’ve been itching to know). The software is currently only accessible on iOS devices.

Petey can be started from the Apple Watch’s home screen or from within a complication—a feature on a watch face that performs functions other than telling the time—of its own. If you like to be annoyed or if you have dexterous little baby fingers, Petey will also respond to queries typed via the tiny keyboard on the Apple Watch. It appears that voice-to-text is unquestionably the best option.

Petey costs $4.99 and was initially known as WatchGPT before the developer realized “GPT” was a trademark of ChatGPT’s creator OpenAI. While ChatGPT is easily accessible through a web browser, some iPhone users were tricked into paying $7.99 per week for a ChatGPT app when it is actually free. Petey’s one-time price is more affordable, though, because Apple made its smart watch’s web browser difficult to find and concealed.

For the past few months, Apple’s approval of AI apps has been very peculiar. Apparently because you could ask ChatGPT to compose something pornographic, the business claimed the ChatGPT email program had suitable content filtering for young users and disabled it in early March. The app’s creator was advised to include content filters or limit access to users who are 17 years old or older. Apple at the time refused to respond to questions from Gizmodo about whether or not it had new, covert chatbot policies.

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