The Next Stage in P-TECH’s Journey: Harnessing the Power of Declaration!

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Tech News Summary:

  • WNY P-TECH held its path selection ceremony for first-year students to declare their chosen field of study.
  • Ten students will enter the welding pathway while five will enter the Computer Aided Design and Drafting pathway. Two students will join the machine tool pathway and six will explore the newest field of study, mechatronics.
  • The program allows students to earn college credits and gain practical experience while still in high school, providing them with a unique opportunity to explore various fields of study and determine their future career paths.

P-TECH, the innovative school model that bridges the gap between education and the workforce, has announced a new step in its journey. The next phase is all about unleashing the power of declaration.

In a recent press release, P-TECH highlighted that declaration is the process of articulating a goal or intention, which triggers deeper engagement and the pursuit of personal growth. Declarations have been found to be a powerful tool in transforming the mindset and outcomes of individuals and organizations.

P-TECH is now integrating a declaration process into its curriculum. Students will be encouraged to make declarations about their preferred career paths, their aspirations, and their personal development goals. These declarations will guide their learning journeys and help them develop the skills and mindsets needed to succeed in their chosen field.

“By declaring their aspirations, students are taking ownership of their futures,” said Dr. Sharon Robinson, the President and CEO of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. “This is a key step in empowering them to become self-directed learners.”

P-TECH is already known for its focus on developing skills that are in high demand in the workforce, such as coding, analytics, and cybersecurity. By integrating declaration into the learning process, P-TECH is taking its commitment to personal growth to the next level.

“P-TECH is all about preparing students for success in 21st-century jobs,” said Arvind Krishna, Chairman of IBM. “We are thrilled to see P-TECH embracing the power of declaration to help students unlock their full potential.”

P-TECH has received widespread praise for its innovative approach to education. The model has been adopted in schools across the world, with students graduating with both a high school diploma and an industry-recognized credential. With this latest step, P-TECH is poised to make an even bigger impact on the lives of students and the future of work.

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