The OMG Facebook Scam: Local News Sheds Light on What The Tech?

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Tech News Summary:

  • There is a viral Facebook scam that has resurfaced and is being shared more than ever, promising to remove ads and recover friends, but it doesn’t work.
  • Scammers can use this post to identify gullible Facebook users, making them easy targets for other scams.
  • Copying and pasting the post may lead to random comments from scammers, and engaging with them could make you a target for more scams.

In a recent episode of What The Tech, the hosts discussed the growing trend of Facebook scams that are targeting local residents. The OMG Facebook scam, as it has been dubbed, involves fraudsters creating fake profiles and posing as individuals within the community to gain access to personal information and money.

The hosts warned viewers to be vigilant and cautious when accepting friend requests and engaging with unknown individuals on the platform. They stressed the importance of verifying the identity of the person behind the profile and not sharing sensitive information with strangers online.

The OMG Facebook scam has become a growing concern for local law enforcement, with reports of fraudulent activity and identity theft on the rise. Authorities are urging residents to report any suspicious activity on social media and to take proactive measures to protect their personal information.

The What The Tech hosts advised viewers to regularly review their privacy settings on Facebook and to be mindful of the information they share online. They also recommended using strong, unique passwords for social media accounts and enabling two-factor authentication for added security.

As the OMG Facebook scam continues to affect communities across the country, What The Tech is committed to keeping viewers informed and empowered to protect themselves from online fraud and scams. Stay tuned for more tips and insights on the latest tech trends and threats.

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