The Opis Group investigates Mobile Cloud Computing and Blockchain Gaming

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  • Most people are familiar with cryptocurrencies and blockchain. However, many do not realize how huge the blockchain gaming market has become. Description The group believes in the future of blockchain gaming, but beyond that, we believe in making great games. OpiPets proves this as the game focuses on quality content enjoyed by players with P2E, game ownership and asset ownership on their side.

Opis Cloud is another innovative project led by Opis Group, aiming to become the world’s first crypto-based decentralized cloud computing network. It uses mobile technology to make the world greener, provides decentralized computing, and allows participants to earn passive income. Learn about these topics and more in the engaging interview below.

Grit Daily: The cryptocurrency landscape is having a major impact everywhere, but blockchain gaming looks to be seeing a surge in investment. What do you think makes the game stand out?

Vince Howard: Good question. Gaming, in general, has long been an industry at the forefront of innovation and is always ripe for experimentation. Much of what we enjoy about communication and technology has been tried and tested through play. Let’s take Discord as an example. Unlocked real-time communication.

The other side is the game and wallet. The data here show that the game is growing steadily and doing very well. There are his two types of wallets: DeFi wallets and gaming wallets. Notably, the majority of wallets are gaming related and not DeFi related. Gamers are natural early adopters and may adopt new technologies before others. The beauty of the game is that those involved are generally accustomed to the “new”. You can also let your family, friends, and others in your network know to increase adoption.

Gaming is the biggest use case for cryptocurrencies, paving the way for payments and international money transfers. There are he 2 billion to he 3 billion players worldwide. For those seeking money and profits through P2E and in-game tokens, there is tremendous potential value if even a fraction of this large audience can be converted.

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