The Predicament of Pagani’s Electric Hypercar: Why the Present Battery Technology is Inadequate for the Optimal Driving Encounter.

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Tech News Summary:

  • Pagani is developing an electric hypercar that will only be released if it can maintain the company’s philosophy of producing lightweight vehicles that provide a special driving experience.
  • The company acknowledges that current battery technology is not light enough for their standards, but their partnership with Mercedes-Benz may help overcome this obstacle.
  • Pagani is taking a measured approach and is not under pressure to jump into electric vehicles before it is ready, and any electric vehicle they produce must align with their philosophy of being lightweight and providing a special driving experience.

Pagani, the famed Italian hypercar manufacturer, is currently facing an electric hypercar dilemma. According to the company’s founder, Horacio Pagani, the current battery technology available is “not light enough” to meet the company’s standards for the ultimate driving experience.

In a recent interview with Top Gear, Pagani explained that while the company is exploring electric powertrains, it is not yet satisfied with the technology available. “The weight of the battery pack is still too high,” he said. “It’s not light enough to meet our standards. We want to maintain the weight and balance of our cars.”

This focus on weight and balance is crucial to Pagani’s hypercars, which are known for their remarkable handling and performance. The company’s latest release, the Huayra Roadster BC, weighs in at just 2,756 pounds thanks to its carbon fiber construction. Pagani is known for using advanced materials and construction techniques to keep its cars as light as possible, and the company is not willing to compromise this philosophy for the sake of adding an electric powertrain.

However, Pagani is not shying away from electric technology altogether. The company recently unveiled a fully electric version of its Huayra hypercar, dubbed the Huayra Imola. This model features a large battery pack that weighs around 1,100 pounds, limiting its range and performance potential. “We wanted to show what’s possible with electric power,” Pagani said. “But this car is not the ultimate driving experience we want to offer.”

For now, Pagani is taking a wait-and-see approach to electric hypercars. The company is closely monitoring the development of new battery technology and is poised to integrate it into its cars when it meets the company’s stringent criteria. “Our customers expect the absolute best from us,” Pagani said. “We won’t release an electric hypercar until we’re satisfied that it meets our standards for performance, handling, and driving experience.”

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