The senator issues a warning Saudi Arabia and Russia could exchange military technologies

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  • In light of Saudi Arabia’s recent decision to support Moscow above US interests, a senior Democratic member has voiced concerns about the potential that the kingdom may share key US defense technology with Russia.

Following Opec+’s agreement to reduce oil production, Richard Blumenthal, a member of the Senate armed services committee, suggested a one-year moratorium on weapons shipments to Saudi Arabia. He also promised to “dig deeper into the issue” in talks with the Pentagon.

In an interview with the Guardian, Blumenthal stated, “I want some reassurances that they are on top of it and, if there are hazards, I want to determine what can be done to mitigate those risks immediately.”

The remarks highlight the severity of the divide that has developed between the Saudi monarchy and Democrats in Washington, who have reacted angrily to a recent Opec oil cartel agreement to start reducing oil production by 2 million barrels per day starting next month.

While the US president has warned that Saudi Arabia will suffer the “consequences” of the decision, Biden and Democratic backers in Congress have expressed their displeasure with the action and are pushing for a realignment of relations with Saudi Arabia.

In the US capital, the decision was interpreted as a hint that Riyadh was supporting Russia in its conflict with Ukraine and as a possible effort to harm Joe Biden and the Democrats ahead of next month’s crucial midterm election by raising the price of gasoline at the pump.

President Biden was “methodical” in reevaluating the relationship, according to White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Sunday, although options include giving big oil producers security help. includes alterations.

Republicans in Congress have not made as much noise about Blumenthal’s OPEC+ action, but Blumenthal has suggested in talks with colleagues that there is bipartisan support for policies to reduce arms sales. It will formally address topics that will probably be discussed the following month.

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